2019 DeMarini CF Zen vs 2019 Easton Ghost X USSSA Travel Ball Comparison

I finally had the chance to hit the 2019 Easton Ghost X Evolution Travel Ball Bat today. Coincidentally, my brand spanking new Pocket Radar Smart Coach arrived today as well. So, naturally, I had to do an exit speed comparison between the two new Ghost X and the best selling, super popular 2019 DeMarini CF […]
The 2018 Easton Ghost -11 is Here For Younger Fastpitch Softball Players

Last Summer the Easton Ghost took the fastpitch bat world by storm. Up until now, though, the revolutionary double barrel Ghost softball bat was only available in a minus 10 ounce version. Now, Easton is giving players a lighter, -11 Easton Ghost fastpitch softball batĀ for younger players. A high end fastpitch bat for elite […]