DeMarini Glitch USSSA Baseball Bat Review

3 To 5 MPH Lower Ball Exit Speeds š How does the 2020 DeMarini CF Zen versus the 2020 DeMarini Glitch CF Zen compare? Well, in short, not nearly as good based on exit speeds and “feel”. We have seen exit velocity speeds decrease by 3 to 5 MPH, which is HUGE in the competitive […]
2019 DeMarini CF Zen vs 2020 DeMarini CF Zen – Travel Ball/USSSA Baseball Bat

The DeMarini Zen – Good Performance But Breaks Too Much What is the difference between the 2019 CF Zen and the 2020 DeMarini CF Zen travel ball USSSA bats? You guessed it – absolutely nothing aside from the paint job! Expect lots of broken in half bats, or if you’re lucky just a crack in […]
2019 DeMarini CF Insane BBCOR Bat Review

As in past years, DeMarini has released a balanced and end loaded version of the CF Zen. Other than the weight distribution, the two models are identical in these two BBCOR bats. Pop and Performance The 2019 BBCOR CF Insane is back in the DeMarini lineup again this year with the same drastic end loaded […]
2019 DeMarini CF Zen BBCOR Baseball Bat Review

DeMarini’s most expensive bat is back again this year with updated graphics and new grip color. Retailing at $449.95, the 2019 BBCOR CF ZENĀ is near the same price point as the 2019 Easton Project 3 ADV, 2019 Louisville Slugger 919 and 2019 Rawlings Quatro Pro; all of which are two piece composite bats. This bat […]
2019 DeMarini Voodoo Balanced BBCOR Bat Review

The DeMarini Voodoo has been one of the best selling aluminum barreled bats throughout its time. Being offered in both a balanced and end loaded version allows players to select one of the two models based on feel. This year, the BBCOR 2019 DeMarini Voodoo Balanced is essentially the same bat as the 2018 model, […]
2019 DeMarini CF Zen vs 2019 CF Zen Black – Bat Comparison

The original 2019 DeMarini CF Zen will go down as one of the hottest USSSA Travel Ball bats made in recent history. Naturally, the big question we have gotten over and over again is: Is the CF Zen Black different than the CF Zen? Or is it just a paint job? Spoiler: It’s the same […]
2019 DeMarini CF Zen vs 2019 Easton Ghost X USSSA Travel Ball Comparison

I finally had the chance to hit the 2019 Easton Ghost X Evolution Travel Ball Bat today. Coincidentally, my brand spanking new Pocket Radar Smart Coach arrived today as well. So, naturally, I had to do an exit speed comparison between the two new Ghost X and the best selling, super popular 2019 DeMarini CF […]
2019 BBCOR Louisville Slugger Prime vs DeMarini CF Zen vs Easton ADV

Best of the Best – Most Expensive 2019 BBCOR Bats Head to Head We hit the most expensive, high-end, two-piece composite BBCOR bats side by side, one after another for a week straight – The 2019 Easton ADV, 2019 Louisville Slugger Prime 919, and 2019 DeMarini CF Zen. The new $499.99 2019 Louisville Slugger Meta […]
2019 DeMarini CF Zen Bat Review – Big Barrel/Travel Ball/USSSA

The DeMarini CF Zen line of bats has been around for a long time. The 2017 CF Zen was one of the all time best travel ball bats ever made. With the 2019 DeMarini CF Zen big barrel bat line getting ready to hit the field, we figured you might want to know a little […]