Marucci Cat 9 Composite Bat Review

Marucci Cat 9 Composite Travel Baseball Bat – Changing The Game Marucci has entered the composite game with the all new Marucci Cat 9 Composite Travel Ball bat for USSSA play. Marucci took their time to ensure the new Cat 9 Composite would not only perform, but be durable. DeMarini has lost tons of market […]
DeMarini Glitch USSSA Baseball Bat Review

3 To 5 MPH Lower Ball Exit Speeds 🙁 How does the 2020 DeMarini CF Zen versus the 2020 DeMarini Glitch CF Zen compare? Well, in short, not nearly as good based on exit speeds and “feel”. We have seen exit velocity speeds decrease by 3 to 5 MPH, which is HUGE in the competitive […]
2019 DeMarini CF Zen vs 2020 DeMarini CF Zen – Travel Ball/USSSA Baseball Bat

The DeMarini Zen – Good Performance But Breaks Too Much What is the difference between the 2019 CF Zen and the 2020 DeMarini CF Zen travel ball USSSA bats? You guessed it – absolutely nothing aside from the paint job! Expect lots of broken in half bats, or if you’re lucky just a crack in […]
2019 DeMarini CF Zen Bat Review – Big Barrel/Travel Ball/USSSA

The DeMarini CF Zen line of bats has been around for a long time. The 2017 CF Zen was one of the all time best travel ball bats ever made. With the 2019 DeMarini CF Zen big barrel bat line getting ready to hit the field, we figured you might want to know a little […]